One of the most resilient trees on Earth is dying in droves
National Geographic

Down the Hunger Spiral: Pathways to the Disintegration of the Global Food System

Inside the risky cave dive that rescued a Thai soccer team
National Geographic

War in Ukraine could plunge world into food shortages
National Geographic
This Refuge May Be the Most Contested Land in the U.S.
June 2018, National Geographic
Arctic Refuge has Lots of Wildlife. Oil–Maybe Not so Much
December 2017, National Geographic
Expedition Hopes to Solve Mystery of “Last American Slave Ship
July 2018, National Geographic
Alaska Has Finally Been Mapped as Precisely as Mars
September 2016, National Geographic
Alaska Has Finally Been Mapped as Precisely as Mars,
September 1, 2016, National Geographic
Harnessing the Power of Poo: Pig Waste Becomes Electricity
July 2016, National Geographic
In the Arctic’s Cold Rush, There Are No Easy Profits
March 2016, National Geographic
The Next Breadbasket: Can Africa’s Fertile Farmland Feed the World?
July 2014, National Geographic
The Blue Revolution: How to Farm a Better Fish
June 2014, National Geographic
Boundless: America’s Wild and Scenic Rivers
November 2011, National Geographic
California’s Pipe Dream
April 2010, National Geographic
The Spill: Is Another Deepwater Disaster Inevitable? (Cover Story)
October 2010, National Geographic
The Global Food Crisis: The End of Plenty
June 2009, National Geographic
Redwoods: The Super Trees,” Cover Story
October 2009, National Geographic
Nā Pali: Kauai’s Fortress Coast
April 2008, National Geographic
Haiti’s Soil: Dirt Poor
September 2008, National Geographic
New Orleans: A Perilous Future
August 2007, National Geographic
Biofuels: Green Dreams
October 2007, National Geographic
The Battle of Hampton Roads: Iron vs. Oak
March 2006, National Geographic
Alaska’s North Slope: The Fall of the Wild
May 2006, National Geographic
Land on the Edge: Loving Our Coasts to Death
July 2006, National Geographic
Blackbeard Lives!
July 2006, National Geographic
Louisiana Wetlands: Going, Going, Gone
October 2004, National Geographic